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Peripheral security

Switzerland, as host state, is responsible for security outside the perimeter occupied by each international organization. In accordance with Switzerland's international obligations under the agreements on privileges and immunities concluded with international organizations, the latter are assisted by the Confederation and the Canton of Geneva in matters of perimeter security.


In terms of peripheral security, responsibility for implementing the host state's decisions lies with the "Peripheral Security Steering Committee". This committee is responsible for initiating, financing, and overseeing studies and projects in this branch.

The Peripheral Security Steering Committee brings together the following entities:

Swiss Confederation

 - Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN in Geneva (Presidency)
 - United Nations Division, International Organizations and Host State
 - Federal Security Service

Canton of Geneva

- Office cantonal des bâtiments - Direction des rénovations et transformations
 - Office cantonal de l'urbanisme - Direction du Territoire


  - Real Estate development department 
  - Finance department

FIPOI is responsible for the operational management of projects.


When host authorities respond to a request for support from an international organization, they mandate FIPOI to study the implementation of security measures. FIPOI's intervention capabilities can extend from the study of the security concept to its full implementation.

To meet the challenges of security in a high-quality urban context that combines natural heritage with architectural heritage, FIPOI has introduced a multidisciplinary working method that brings together a range of technical skills, including security, urban planning, landscape, architecture, mobility, civil engineering and the environment.

These multi-disciplinary studies are also characterized by a concerted approach involving all stakeholders: international organizations, cantonal and municipal services, close neighbours, users, etc.

FIPOI's objective is to propose security measures that are integrated into the local context and accepted by all public and private entities involved. FIPOI is constantly adjusting and improving its project management processes to optimize project management.


The peripheral safety fund is financed by the Swiss Confederation (65%) and the Canton of Geneva (35%).


FIPOI heads peripheral security projects ranging from the study of a site's overall security concept to the implementation of integrated security infrastructures. These projects are usually carried out over several years.

FIPOI also provides maintenance for several systems.

In 2024, approximately ten projects are underway with several international organizations.

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Rue de Varembé 9-11
Case Postale 13
CH-1211 Genève 20


+41 22 791 90 00
+41 22 791 91 11 (conferences)

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